October 2011 Newsletter
Feeling Stressed?
My favorite quick tip helps you to open your lungs, improve circulation and encourage a safe, grounded posture. This 10 second sequence can be done seated, standing or lying down.
First, imagine a string from middle of the top of your head pulling up, elongating your spine. “String-Head"
“String Head"
*Photo demonstrates how you can imagine the string. Arms remain at sides
Now, tuck your chin back toward the base of your skull. "Turtle Tuck" helps to counter-act forward head posture.
Avoid Forward Head Posture With a "Turtle Tuck".
Next, open the chest and back with "Goal Post Arms". Another option is to do shoulder rolls to the back while lowering the shoulder blades.
"Goal Post Arms"
The last part of the sequence doesn’t photograph well because it’s so subtle. It’s a little Pelvic Tilt. (Hint: Squeeze the cheeks of your buns together to keep the back from arching and bring it to neutral)
That’s 8 seconds. Add, 2 seconds more to hold and be aware of this posture and your breathing and that’s 10 seconds. Surely, even busy people have 10 seconds to spare!
Try doing this sequence regularly and let me know how you feel!
Until the next part of our journey,
Gift Giving Time is Coming Soon!
Do you love how you feel after a gentle and relaxing session with Sari? Are you struggling to figure out unique gifts for the special people in your life? Gift them with the Gift of Wellness! Gift certificates are now available at 20% off regular rates. Each gift certificate entitles the lucky recipient to a customized session of Craniosacral Therapy and other gentle hands-on techniques designed to help nourish the brain and spinal cord. The result? You all feel more calm, grounded, centered and present!
iPod Contest!
During the month of November, for each therapy visit or gift certificate purchased, your name will be entered for a drawing for an iPod shuffle.
What do you CRAVE?
Sari is among 125 Women Entrepreneurs in the Inaugural edition of the Phoenix area CRAVE book! Check out this Urban Girl’s Manifesto for Special Discounts and Events and all the things you CRAVE! Purchase a book now for $20 and receive $20 off your next session, plus a 20% discount for a session to give to a friend or family member! Other business discounts also included from 10-50% for all of the things you CRAVE!