Be Gentle!

The Perpetrator and the Victim
For those of you who are a regular part
of my world, you know how I love to chop and create delicious and healthy foods. I finally took a cooking class and used my discount to purchase a new Chef's knife. I wasn't rushing. I was using correct knife-handling technique until a silly blink of inattentiveness changed my week!
At this year's Summer Solstice celebration I set an intention to be gentle with myself, and to remind myself and others, whether friends or clients, likewise to be gentle with themselves.
This includes being aware of our 'self-talk.'
Once I realized that I had cut myself, I immediately thought, 'Listen to your own advice'. I took a deep, intentional and centering breath to bring myself to the present while tapping my feet on the floor to help assist me in feeling more grounded. I felt calmer and purposefully kept my awareness on staying calm and systematic. A few stitches and looking back
a week later, what have I learned?
Well, I really mentally kicked myself a bunch of times for using poor technique. 'You know better than that, Sari. What a stupid thing to do!'
But each time, I stepped back, took a breath and reminded myself of the
lesson of attentiveness and intentfulness.
How could I speak to myself in a more gentle way?
'I really want to be mindful in all of my activities'.
'Whew, I was lucky and will pay more attention now.'
We're all going to stray from our paths from time to time. The key is to be gentle with ourselves.
Experience the Slowing and Stillness.
Be Grounded, Present, Centered and Calm.
I'm delighted to share with you that last month The Harp Foundation Board unanimously voted for me to join their Board of Directors.
Their Mission is 'To provide therapeutic harp music for the essential healing, comfort and well-being of individuals in crisis or with special needs.'
I love the soothing sounds of the harp and the beauty in the movements of the hands on the strings.
(I have a weak spot for watching
hands at work and rest!)
As a Membership Committee member I would like to invite you to attend our Fall House Concert Fundraising event; the details are set out below. And I would urge you to become a member of the Harp Foundation and to support its wonderful mission.
The Harp Foundation
'Transforming Lives and Healing Hearts'
Step into a Magical world with
an Exquisite
Harp and Flute Performance
Under the Stars!
"In Concert" in the Garden
In the Garden of Joyce and Mike Buekers at
5752 North Second Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85012
November 4, 2012
Champagne and cake reception 4:30 PM
Seating 5:00 PM
Performance 5:30 PM
Cocktail Attire/Valet Parking
$125 per ticket/$240 per couple
$1100 row of ten
Please feel free to contact me directly to assist you with ordering tickets or membership information.