Sari Hands PLC Spring 2014 Newsletter!
        Sari A. Lewis,
       OTR/L, RCST

Sari loves to help facilitate your Wellness and Quality of Life through a variety of gentle manual therapy techniques including Craniosacral Therapy and Myofascial Release to help calm your tissues and nervous system.
Sari graduated from the University of Wisconsin in Madison in 1981 with a Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy. After completing clinical internships in NY and CA, she settled in Arizona to begin over a decade of specialization in hand and upper extremity therapy, followed by several years working for Medtronic and Empi selling electrotherapy products. (TENS and muscle stimulators)
In 1997, she returned to her true love of patient care and began studies with the International Alliance of Healthcare Practitioners (The Upledger Institute) and the Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America (BCTA/NA) where she completed over 1000 hours of training in Biomechanical and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and obtained Diplomate certification as a Registered Craniosacral Therapist. (RCST®)  Sari also has additional training using Craniosacral Therapy with newborns and infants.

Sari has has participated as a Teaching Assistant for multiple Craniosacral Therapy courses, including International courses in Kiental Switzerland in May
of 2012 and 2013.
Sari delights in focusing attention on patient care in her North Scottsdale office, 
Sari Hands PLC, where she works with a diverse caseload, ranging from birth to over 90.  She is also a contributing writer to online and print publications. 

Sari is a fitness enthusiast who loves to combine beautiful, fresh ingredients in delicious and healthy ways!  She likes to set an example of balance to her clients.

She serves on the Advisory Board of The Harp Foundation, supporting the use of live therapeutic harp music in healthcare settings.

Spring 2014 

Wikepedia includes the following definition of Mindfulness: among other things, mindfulness is an attentive awareness of the reality of things (especially of the present moment) without judgment.  While the principles of mindfulness stem from Buddhism, the concepts have been taught in psychology and progressively become more mainstreamed since the 1970's.

As a quick experiment in attentive awareness, take a sip of water, paying attention to your arm reaching for the glass, the texture and temperature of the glass, the feeling as the water reaches your lips and tongue, the sensation of swallowing.  Attentive and Aware. 
Thich Nhat Hanh, a Vietnamese Buddist monk writes and leads retreats to help people develop and deepen a sense of peace through mindfulness.  He suggests a mindful attitude in all daily activities, including breathing, walking, bathing, cooking and eating.  

A 2012 Carnegie Mellon University research study found that mindful meditation helped reduce feelings of loneliness and inflammation among older adults as well as helping to manage anxiety, depression and pain.

At the University of Washington, Seattle, professor David Levy teaches a course called "Information and Contemplation" where he begins each class with 15 minutes of doing absolutely nothing.  In a world where we've been driven to multi-task, he encourages
'Mono-tasking' and
'Tech fasts'
.  He encourages meaningful conversations
and walks with friends.

It's interesting that the word Mindful means just the opposite of Mind Full.

In Craniosacral Therapy, there's no striving.  All you need to do is show up prepared to slow down.  

A client recently wore her Fitbit Activity and Sleep Monitor into a session.  Here's what she shared when she looked at the results of her session.  
"It registered me 'falling asleep' in 5 minutes, waking 0 times , being in an undisturbed resting state for 55 minutes with "sleep" time = 49 minutes. This was rated at 100% efficiency."
If you have a device that monitors sleep, consider wearing it for an upcoming session.  I've just ordered a unit to monitor myself during  fitness and daily activities, sleep and Craniosacral Therapy sessions.  I have some theories.  Stay Tuned!

Here are some great resources on Mindfulness:

My colleague Angela Savitri is offering a weekly 15 minute Meditation series for Women.  Even if you cannot attend, you will receive a free meditation audio.

My friends Matthew J. Taylor, PT, PhD and Sari Roth-Roemer, Psychologist, PhD are giving a
seminar for Healthcare Professionals on Mindfulness

Thich Nhat Hanh Happiness-
Essential Mindfulness Practices
"Fill" your mind with just one thing at a time.

Allow yourself to be grounded, present,
centered and calm.


*I will be out of the office 22-27 May, so, please plan ahead for scheduling needs.  

A Craniosacral Therapy Sessions is a lovely Mother's Day gift!  
Gift Certificates available now!


Address ~ 10601 N. Hayden Road, Suite I-108 ~ Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Phone ~ 480-998-8448
Email ~

Copyright © 2014  Sari Hands PLC,  All rights reserved.