Fall 2016
What Bonds the Branches of Craniosacral Therapy?
Last year, I shared a resource that I had compiled for a colleague explaining about the different styles of Craniosacral Therapy. I could have saved myself the effort...
Because my respected colleague, Sharon Desjarlais, wrote an article for Massage magazine back in 2010! Not sure how I missed it at the time. She interviewed practitioners of the three styles of Craniosacral Therapy, including Michael Shea PhD.**
Sharon and I agree that we are among our favorite people who have never met in person!
Recently, Sharon sent out this email:
Dear Sari,
In 2010 I did the unthinkable.
I wrote a cover article for Massage Today that compared and contrasted 3 different branches of Craniosacral Therapy: Upledger, Biodynamic and Visionary.

The Membrane Model. The Fluid Model. And the Mystical Model.
To my knowledge, it’s the first time anyone ever explored them all together in this way.
Until then, it was kinda like politics.
Practitioners of each style often treated the others with distrust. And sometimes downright disdain.
So you just didn't cross party lines.
But when I did the research? I found something surprising.
Each branch sprang from the same brilliant man ...
But at different times of his life.
If you missed that article, please read it here ...
"Craniosacral Therapies: 3 Bodies, 1 Heart"
Because our common history is even more important today than it was 6 years ago.
With all the new styles of CST being born, it’s like watching evolution on fast-forward.
Yet no matter which form you practice, there’s far more that bonds us together than what drives us apart.
So we can learn from each other. And celebrate each other.
Knowing we're all contributing to the greater good ...
"In Stillness is the renewal." Michael Shea PhD.
"Every practitioner needs to
find and follow their own genius." Hugh Milne
Founder of Visionary Craniosacral Therapy
This was so validating to me as a therapist! Kind of gave me permission to be open to even more possibilities in blending gentle manual therapies and Craniosacral Therapy styles to 'meet my clients where they are at' and facilitate sessions to enhance their wellness and quality of life.
Sharon Desjarlais is an award-winning business coach for Craniosacral Therapists. Learn more at Sharondesjarlais.com
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