Summer 2017
Open Your Posture!

In my practice, when I find myself explaining the same thing over and over to a variety of my clients, I realize that it's time for a newsletter on that topic.
Lately, I've been reviewing 'Open Posture' with lots of clients. Our closed postures come from so many activities that we do in front of us...eating, driving, computer use all require us to use our arms in front of us.
The tendency to jut our heads forward, pinch our necks to be able to look up and rotate our shoulders inward for activities make this closed posture even worse.
And there really aren't activities that we do to open our posture. The good news is that brief but frequent stretches to counteract closed posture can make a big difference in upright and open posture!
In the past I have recommended the 4 Part Postural Sequence. This brief sequence helps with upright and open posture an can be done easily in 10 seconds standing or sitting.
Another effective stretch that can be easily modified is the Clock Stretch. This is done most effectively lying down on your back.

Imagine that your head is 12 O'clock. Put your arms out to your sides at 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock.
**If you feel too much stretch in this position, you can bend your elbows or wrists to reduce tension on the tissues and nerves.
Breathe and 'play' with the position by making tiny shifts in the position of your elbows, wrists and fingers. Gently observe subtle (or not so subtle) differences between your two arms. Hold for 1-2 minutes in a position of stretch, not over-stretch or stress.
Now move your arms to the positions of 4 and 8 o'clock and repeat the exploration. Next, move to 5 and 7 o'clock and then return to 4 and 8 and gradually up to 3 and 9 o'clock again. Observe how the sensations may have changed.
If you feel flexible enough, explore moving your arms to the 2 and 10 o'clock positions and then 1 and 11 if it feels like a good stretch.
Any time that you feel an uncomfortable stress in the arms, hands, reduce the stretch by bending wrists or elbows or returning to a position below 3 and 9 o'clock.
Repeat these clock stretches a few times a day for a few minutes.
When upright, you can 'Open' your posture by rotating your arms away from your body so your thumbs face up or even behind you as a result of opening.
Remember to pay attention to a nice breath to help urge your system to be in the present moment with these open stretches.
Sari Hands PLC
Facilitating Health and Wholeness