Sari Hands PLC Winter 2018 Newsletter-Your Posture and Your Mood
        OTR/L, RCST®

Sari loves to help
facilitate your 
Health and Wholeness
through a variety of gentle 
manual therapy techniques 
to help calm your tissues, nervous system and cardiovascular system.  The gentle pacing of Craniosacral Therapy guides sessions.

Sari has completed over 1000 hours of training in Biomechanical and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and obtained Diplomate certification as a Registered Craniosacral Therapist. (RCST®)  She has additional training using Craniosacral Therapy with newborns and infants.

Sari has participated on the Teaching Team for multiple introductory and advanced Craniosacral Therapy courses, and
a series of Concussion courses with
Michael Shea PhD, 
including International courses in Switzerland.  Sari is traveling to be on the teaching team for a Spring 2018 course in Kiental, Switzerland.

Sari delights in focusing attention on patient care in her North Scottsdale office, 
Sari Hands PLC, where she works with a diverse caseload, ranging from birth to over 90.  

Sari is a fitness enthusiast, enjoying a variety of classes and styles of dance and fitness and a 'foodie', who loves to combine beautiful, fresh ingredients in delicious and healthy ways!
Give the gift of
Health and Wholeness

Your Posture and Your Mood

While it's no surprise to any of us to hear that technology is affecting our posture, have you thought about how your poor posture may be affecting your mood?  I've been reading and saving some articles on posture.  Here's some highlights:

Let's first look at a summary of
the benefits of good posture:
  1. Improves body alignment
  2. Improves neck and back pain
  3. Improves breathing
  4. Improves memory and learning
  5. Makes you look taller and slimmer
  6. Makes you look more confident and powerful
You can check out the entire article:
"The Ultimate Guide to Posture"

*While this article was written for men, it applies to men, women and children when it comes to posture.

An article by Amy Cuddy for the NY Times outlines how our hunched posture over our devices can lead to depression.  She references 'iHunch, text neck and iPosture', terms coined to match spines rounding at younger and younger ages.

She parallels typical inwardly rounded posture in people with depression with those who may experience decreased self-esteem, increased fear and mood changes from their slouched postures. 

In addition, she cites studies relating posture to memory.

Here's the full article: 
"Your iPhone is Ruining Your Posture and Your Mood". 

In Craniosacral Therapy, tight restrictions at the base and middle skull and sacrum can cause feelings of depression.  Dr. John Upledger describes this phenomenon in his book "Your Inner Physician and You" from 1997.  Just imagine how much more prevalent this issue has become in the past 20 years! 

We know the solutions!

Limit screen time
Take stretching breaks
Appreciate nature
Spend time with loved ones 
Open your posture
Summer Newsletter on Open Posture
Sari Hands PLC
Facilitating Health and Wholeness

Address ~ 10601 N. Hayden Road, Suite I-108 ~ Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Phone ~ 480-998-8448 (This is a land line and does not accept texts)
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