

Common Themes for a Healthier Life

Sari Lewis, OTR/L, RCST® 
Specializing in
Craniosacral Therapy,
gentle manual therapies
and heart-based therapies
for your Health and Wholeness
This past week, I couldn’t help but notice many things in my world were intersecting with similar messages.   I received an email from my health insurance company with a suggested Schedule for Daily Resilience, saw a Health Magazine link to a Pinterest post entitled 7 Ways to Practice Self-love and picked up the most recent issue of Prevention Magazine (The “Medical Journal of the People” founded in 1950) entitled Find Your Calm with 60+ simple ideas to feel happy every day.  I’m also reading Thich Nhat Hanh’s book Happiness and auditing an online course out of Yale on the Science of Wellbeing.  So I might be exploring similar things from different sources…
When things intersect in that way, it prompts me to share with my readers.
There’s also a lot of other information out there clamoring for our attention.  I don’t need to list the distractions and disruptions that we are all experiencing.
How about some take-aways?
For building resilience, some suggestions are daily sunshine/nature, stillness and connection.

Pinterest Self-Love tips include creating a routine, using affirmations, journaling and a self-love challenge. 
Prevention Magazine Highlights:  
The Healing Power of Gratitude—
Call it vitamin G:

Research Shows that being grateful has a deep and lasting impact on your body.  They suggest 5 Simple Ways to Feel More Grateful: Create a Gratitude Journal, Little Surprises, Reminders, Apps and Saying what you’re thankful about aloud to focus on the giver.
Mindfulness is basically just being aware and can be practiced both formally and informally.  They suggest ways to be more intentional throughout your daily activities which include awareness of our breath to bring your mind back to the present.
Further discussion / content include benefits of meditation, gentle stretching and the power of positivity.
You may find some of the information online, but I felt that the entire magazine was worth purchasing as a resource.
The Happiness Book begins with easy practices for conscious breathing and extends to walking, driving and enjoying a gentle attitude, and open mind and receptive heart.

This book is also available through the Scottsdale library and maybe your local library, too.
After taking some online assessments to evaluate current happiness and signature strengths, kindness, gratitude, exercise, sleep and meditation are explored in this free, self-paced online course.
I hope you find these resources and those I offer in person helpful in finding some calmness and happiness in your journey.
For those who may not be aware, I have resumed therapy sessions with a modified schedule and some new precautions. Please feel free to contact me  for details.

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