Here's some feedback from clients of Sari Hands PLC*
“Sari Lewis has one of the finest pair of hands I have ever experienced. I have asked her to assist me whenever possible in my teaching to share her gift of touch with as many people as possible.“ Michael J. Shea, Ph.D.
“Sari’s touch is precise and profoundly gentle. I could feel an old tension pattern literally melting under her skilled hands. She holds a sincere intention of compassion that creates deep healing. Thank you Sari!” C. Shea
"When I walk out of my session, I feel like I can conquer the world! My patients are lucky on the day that I come in!" Dr. A. Rainwater
"Again, thank you so much for sharing your time with me. I found the session quite relaxing and was very pleased that my back/rib felt much better afterwards an even more so as time went by. I would say I was very much aware that the benefits were slowly 'sinking in' to my physical being and that, as you said, the treatment would take time to have its full effect." Mike Remlinger (former MLB pitcher)
"After yesterday's session...Let's see...neck pain gone, shoulder pain nearly gone, slept like a bear in hibernation. My mood feels easy and light today. THANK YOU!" Allen Rubin, LMT, NCTMB
"I feel a profound sense of tranquility throughout my spine." Krystal Tellier, ND (Naturopathic Physician)
"Thank you so much for my session yesterday. Not only does my back feel better, but your gentleness did wonders for my heart!" T.D.
"My body feels so grounded, and yet, so light." D.M.
"When I was referred to you by a family member I could hardly use my left arm and thought I would need surgery. I wanted to avoid surgery at all costs. I had very little range of motion and the pain was almost unbearable. Slowly, I began to see results. I could feel the muscles, tendons and tissues beginning to heal. Your treatment was consistent, steady and relaxing every week. And thankfully, it wasn't just a quick fix. It was a permanent fix. I now have almost full range of motion with no pain and full use of my arm again. I also now have better posture than when I began. Thank you for the great care you gave me." S.G.
"I feel like I understand my body's balance and position in space better now." M.K.
"Thank you for the powerful and healing gift of Craniosacral Therapy today. I arrived home and slept for 4 hours. Awoke feeling much more centered and, for the first time in several months, a sense of calm. I have not felt safe in a number of months, and I now feel hope about my ability to regain my balance again. That is a priceless hope from a dark tunnel." L.C.
"After my sessions, I feel so relaxed and yet energized. It's an 'energy of calmness' C.A.
"Because of my treatments, I am able to function as a complete person for the first time in my life.” J.D.
"My therapy has given me the techniques to deal with my symptoms of pain and stiffness and it’s relaxing, too!" D.M.
"After trying almost everything, this is the first therapy I have found which addresses the unique and often seemingly insurmountable properties of pain specific to fibromyalgia. Your creative solutions help me deal with the pain on a daily basis. Thank you!" G.A.
"As I relaxed on the treatment table, I felt my sinuses release. When I ate afterwards, I could taste my food for the first time in weeks!" A.L.
"My twelve year-old daughter had been in bed for 3 weeks with a headache and did not respond to any of the over the counter medications. She was unable to attend school or participate in family activities. A friend recommended that I take her for some Craniosacral Therapy. Immediately after the session, she felt peaceful, relaxed and reported that the severity of her headache had decreased. Within two hours, she was pain-free! Recurring headaches have been less severe, and she is now participating in a full schedule of activities again." V.P.
"When I sat up after my session, I felt so clear~like my head and body were talking to one another after feeling foggy and tired all day." K.I.
"I felt crunched up before my treatment. Afterwards, I felt relaxed, 'smooth' and spacious!" C.D.
*The Code of Ethics for the Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America (CSTA/NA) states that therapists are restricted to printing testimonials about the healing power of this type of therapy without promoting themselves as someone special or gifted. Most therapists who practice this type of therapy are gifted (and blessed!) So, to avoid competitiveness and self-promotion, testimonials have been edited to comply with the Code of Ethics.
“Sari’s touch is precise and profoundly gentle. I could feel an old tension pattern literally melting under her skilled hands. She holds a sincere intention of compassion that creates deep healing. Thank you Sari!” C. Shea
"When I walk out of my session, I feel like I can conquer the world! My patients are lucky on the day that I come in!" Dr. A. Rainwater
"Again, thank you so much for sharing your time with me. I found the session quite relaxing and was very pleased that my back/rib felt much better afterwards an even more so as time went by. I would say I was very much aware that the benefits were slowly 'sinking in' to my physical being and that, as you said, the treatment would take time to have its full effect." Mike Remlinger (former MLB pitcher)
"After yesterday's session...Let's see...neck pain gone, shoulder pain nearly gone, slept like a bear in hibernation. My mood feels easy and light today. THANK YOU!" Allen Rubin, LMT, NCTMB
"I feel a profound sense of tranquility throughout my spine." Krystal Tellier, ND (Naturopathic Physician)
"Thank you so much for my session yesterday. Not only does my back feel better, but your gentleness did wonders for my heart!" T.D.
"My body feels so grounded, and yet, so light." D.M.
"When I was referred to you by a family member I could hardly use my left arm and thought I would need surgery. I wanted to avoid surgery at all costs. I had very little range of motion and the pain was almost unbearable. Slowly, I began to see results. I could feel the muscles, tendons and tissues beginning to heal. Your treatment was consistent, steady and relaxing every week. And thankfully, it wasn't just a quick fix. It was a permanent fix. I now have almost full range of motion with no pain and full use of my arm again. I also now have better posture than when I began. Thank you for the great care you gave me." S.G.
"I feel like I understand my body's balance and position in space better now." M.K.
"Thank you for the powerful and healing gift of Craniosacral Therapy today. I arrived home and slept for 4 hours. Awoke feeling much more centered and, for the first time in several months, a sense of calm. I have not felt safe in a number of months, and I now feel hope about my ability to regain my balance again. That is a priceless hope from a dark tunnel." L.C.
"After my sessions, I feel so relaxed and yet energized. It's an 'energy of calmness' C.A.
"Because of my treatments, I am able to function as a complete person for the first time in my life.” J.D.
"My therapy has given me the techniques to deal with my symptoms of pain and stiffness and it’s relaxing, too!" D.M.
"After trying almost everything, this is the first therapy I have found which addresses the unique and often seemingly insurmountable properties of pain specific to fibromyalgia. Your creative solutions help me deal with the pain on a daily basis. Thank you!" G.A.
"As I relaxed on the treatment table, I felt my sinuses release. When I ate afterwards, I could taste my food for the first time in weeks!" A.L.
"My twelve year-old daughter had been in bed for 3 weeks with a headache and did not respond to any of the over the counter medications. She was unable to attend school or participate in family activities. A friend recommended that I take her for some Craniosacral Therapy. Immediately after the session, she felt peaceful, relaxed and reported that the severity of her headache had decreased. Within two hours, she was pain-free! Recurring headaches have been less severe, and she is now participating in a full schedule of activities again." V.P.
"When I sat up after my session, I felt so clear~like my head and body were talking to one another after feeling foggy and tired all day." K.I.
"I felt crunched up before my treatment. Afterwards, I felt relaxed, 'smooth' and spacious!" C.D.
*The Code of Ethics for the Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America (CSTA/NA) states that therapists are restricted to printing testimonials about the healing power of this type of therapy without promoting themselves as someone special or gifted. Most therapists who practice this type of therapy are gifted (and blessed!) So, to avoid competitiveness and self-promotion, testimonials have been edited to comply with the Code of Ethics.
© 2025 Sari Hands PLC
Sari Lewis • Phone 480–206-6592 • Email Sari
14362 N. Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd. • Suite 1000 • Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Sari Lewis • Phone 480–206-6592 • Email Sari
14362 N. Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd. • Suite 1000 • Scottsdale, AZ 85260
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